Chris’s poetry page

In his own words:

I live in London and have lived and travelled in Africa, Asia and Europe. My poems have been published in many magazines, anthologies and websites including –

Acumen; Agenda; Brittle Star; Lakeview International Journal; Obsessed With Pipework; Orbis; Pennine Platform; Poetry Review; Prole; RAUM; South; South Bank Poetry; Stand; Tears In The Fence; The Dark Horse; The Fenland Reed; The Forward Prize Anthology; The Frogmore Papers; The Interpreter’s House; The Moth; The North; The Rialto; The SHop; Under The Radar; Urthona; Wasafiri


My third collection, ‘Write Me A Few Of Your Lines’, was published by Graft Poetry. ‘An intensely enjoyable collection’, (John Lucas); ‘I found wonders in many of Hardy’s lines’, (Anne Stevenson)

I am also a musician: a CD of acoustic music, ‘Health To Your Hands’ is available from ‘You can easily imagine his name being mentioned in the same sentence as John Renbourn or Eric Anderson … well worth checking out’, (Guitar Magazine). ‘The picking is glorious and the songwriting excellent’, (Acoustic magazine).
I play in the trio LiTTLe MACHiNe performing our settings of well known poems. We have appeared with Carol Ann Duffy, Gillian Clarke, Liz Lochhead, John Cooper-Clark, John Hegley, Liz Berry, Hannah Lowe and other poets. We have made a new album with Roger McGough and are performing at literary events across the country with him. ‘The most brilliant music and poetry band in the world’. Carol Ann Duffy.

My fourth collection ‘Sunshine at the end of the world‘ is published in August 2017 by Indigo Dreams Publications (IDP), ISBN 978-1-910834-60-2
£8.99 + p&p.

Sunshine at the end of the world

At World’s End in Chelsea hides the quiet, strange, Moravian graveyard. It is said the dead are buried standing upright, beneath the small, square grave stones set in grass. The poems in this collection balance themes of time and fate, family and war, loss and regret, with acceptance of how things are and the beautiful mystery of living on this earth.

“The acute poems of this wonderfully named fourth collection are always clear, sometimes rueful. Amongst wars and rissoles, they cherish their ghosts. Past and present are summoned by memorable lines with strength and tenderness”.
Alison Brackenbury

“Bird nesting in mailbox. Rat scrabbling in cavity wall. Spring uncoiling and a welcoming harbour. A guitarist as well as a poet Chris Hardy consistently hits the right note, never hits a false note”.
Roger McGough

“These poems explore Time, from the tender appreciation of new life, through all its vicissitudes, to death: Time alters, enhances, destroys. They deserve to be read slowly, to appreciate the many and varied nuances which lead to the comprehension of the Now”.
Patricia Oxley (Editor: Acumen Literary Journal)